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Ibn Battuta: Journey of a Nomad poster
An extraordinary journey through the mediaeval Islamic world at 360°

A musical journey through the life & adventures of Ibn Battuta
Immerse yourself in the sights & sounds of the mediaeval Islamic world as we follow in the
footsteps of Ibn Battuta — the legendary explorer and Islamic scholar.
From the bustling markets of Egypt to the majestic mosques of Iran. From the sun-drenched
deserts of Morocco to the vibrant bazaars of India.
His life was an extraordinary journey of adventures and self-discovery.
The journey you can now witness at 360°.
In 75 minutes, Khalil Sheikh, Samaneh & her ensemble will guide you through Ibn Battuta's epic
odyssey — with a unique fusion of Poetry, Storytelling and Authentic Music from the countries
he visited.

Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes
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